Sorry for all the possible FeedBlitz notices and multiple Google Reader pings you may have received from my site today. I did some housekeeping (better here than in my actual house, LOL), moved some things around and changed my blog banner yet again -- told you I get bored easily <wink>!
In an attempt to have my site load a little faster for you, I tried uncluttering my sidebars a little and have now relocated some items. You'll now find pages with helpful links for Spellbinders and Copic located in the upper left sidebar, under my photo, listed under "Pages".
I hope to be back later Wed or Thurs with some artwork to share . . . happy Hump Day!
Will you come to my house and tutor me on all things computer related?? You seem to know so much about it!!!! Just FYI---I didn't get anything unusual from Reader---
Thanks for a great blog---oh, and I do love your banner---can you just send me your old one? ; }
Posted by: kathleen | July 17, 2008 at 03:14 PM