Welcome to this year's Ellen Hutson 12 Tags of Christmas with a Feminine Twist series . . . my absolute favorite project/post each year! I'm so honored to have participated in this tradition for the past 7 years, since 2011! (You can find my previous year's tags by clicking (here -->) on the 12 Tags of Christmas category over in my right sidebar). This year we once again have 24 designers paired up for each of the 12 days, to share their talents with you as we provide you with ideas for creating your own tags this holiday season! My partner in crafting today is the very talented Emily Midgett! Please be sure to head over to her blog to see her take on today's theme! GIVEAWAY: We are looking forward to seeing what you are inspired to create from the tags/techniques/themes that are shared this year and we would LOVE to have you participate! Just look for the little “theme box” (below) on each post and use the designer’s tags to inspire you to join in the fun! Remember to leave a comment every day sharing your appreciation with the artists (on the Ellen Hutson CLASSroom blog AND the... Read more →