Meet the new resident at our almost-complete new house! He (or she) has taken up residency on the back porch. I have no idea what kind of spider this is but he certainly does look ominous, doesn't he? Does anyone happen to know what kind he is? I'm off to do some Internet searching to find out. Meanwhile, I think I'll schedule an exterminator before we move in! ETA: Many thanks to Kelly S, who answered my question very quickly . . . we have a female yellow garden spider! (Males are about 1-1/2" while females can grow up to 3" -- ours was very large!) She is not harmful to humans and will loose most of her bright yellow color after she lays her egg sack(s), dying soon after. Aww, I get a little teary -- reminded of Charlotte's Web, LOL! You can read more about them HERE. It's been a while since I've answered any of your questions you posted for me, so how about a few of those today? How many cards do you send out a week? Amber H. Well, Amber – I need to get a lot better at this! I have hard enough time... Read more →